In this Wellness Wiki, Dr. Stenzler compares and contrasts three different ways of thinking about health. In our current “healthcare” system, most of what is referred to as prevention is really early detection. No doubt, certain tests are...
Read moreHalf Sour Pickles- So easy, even a 5-year old can make them!
In this first edition of Wellness Wiki videos, Dr. Stenzler makes half-sour pickles with his 5-year old son, Zion. Dr. Stenzler recorded this video in January 2021, but with the family move to Florida and the launch of his book, it is finally...
Read moreMask Mandates in Schools; and the X’s and O’s of the Immune System
On January 3, 2022, Dr. Stenzler had the privilege to provide his expertise to a national audience on the One America News Network (OAN). Much of the information shared during that segment with anchor Stella Escobedo (one of the few journalists...
Read moreHow to Set You and Your Family Up for a Lifetime of Health (Podcast)
Drs. Tony Youn and Brian Stenzler discuss everyday stressors and how they negatively impact the nervous system and one’s overall health. They delve deeply into various opportunities to make better choices on a daily basis.
Read moreNew Book Aims to Help Parents with Teens Address their Kid’s Mental Health
Dr. Stenzler joins the CBS8 San Diego Morning Extra Show to provide tips to help parents address their kid’s mental health.
Read moreAmerica’s Real Healthcare Crisis
All parents want their children to become happy and healthy adults themselves. The guilt, shame and pain that parents experience when their child’s quality of life is poor is very real. Fortunately, that is often avoidable.
Read moreIs this relationship worth fighting for?
All too often we see friends or family members, or even ourselves in a long term relationship that seems like it’s going nowhere. So why are those two people together we ask? Well, they typically love each other; they are comfortable with one...
Read moreA “DREAM” Homebirth Experience
Throughout my years at Life Chiropractic College, I began to question a lot about our current healthcare system. They are too numerous to mention in this post, but one thing in particular that I started to ponder was why childbirth, the one...
Read moreGenetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods have not been shown to be safe to consume. Yikes! It is quite an interesting way of integrating foreign genetic material from viruses and bacteria into crops, with consequences that are very unpredictable. Big biotech...
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