Is this relationship worth fighting for?
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By Dr. Brian A. Stenzler

As seen in Best Self Magazine

Is Your Relationship worth fighting for

Click here to read it in the magazine!

In previous issues of Best Self Magazine, you have likely read about the five facets of a wellness lifestyle, DREAM, representing a healthy Diet, plenty of Relaxation, adequate Exercise, ensuring that you are in Adjustment, and of course, creating a life with Mental Wellness.

This month I would like to delve into one of the leading causes of emotional toxicity that people experience which often takes away from their mental wellness…THE WRONG RELATIONSHIP!

All too often we see friends or family members, or even ourselves in a long term relationship that seems like it’s going nowhere.  So why are those two people together we ask?  Well, they typically love each other; they are comfortable with one another; it would be too embarrassing to tell everyone they broke up; it’s too complicated to break up (money, property, etc); they’ve already invested so much time into the relationship; or the one that few will say but often think, “We can’t both live forever!”

What if there were a calculated, scientific approach using mathematics that could actually quantify the likelihood of two people having sustainable compatibility that would increase the odds of a long-term relationship thriving, rather than just surviving?  Well there is, and it is called the Ultimate Life Tool (ULT®).  The ULT® is a patented advanced human assessment tool consisting of 87 questions which will demonstrate how each person in the relationship authentically shows up in nature.

The ULT® will reveal what drives and motivates them to discover their natural, inborn talents versus learned skills (reliable, flakey, intimidating, controlling, loyal, over protective, compassionate, good listener, etc); their natural level of refinement and how it impacts their compatibility (messy, neat, high quality, extravagant, “crunchy”,  etc); how they perceive life (from an overly optimistic or more critical standpoint); and how they best connect with people and their surroundings (needs touch, needs to move, needs to think, needs to be social, etc).  This invaluable “operation manual” gives each partner the information needed to “feed” one another, rather than take energy away that causes unnecessary strain on the relationship.

The results of this test will not only quantify important compatibility factors, but it will also provide each person with the tools necessary to help the relationship thrive.  Sometimes the results reveal a significant uphill battle for a couple to survive, while other times, just the knowledge will show them what “tweaks” are needed to grow into something remarkable.

As the owner of a wellness center that offers this technology and the husband of a certified ULT® Consultant and trainer, I can tell you that I have heard every excuse in the world for a couple to not take the test. One person in the relationship refuses to take it (red flag); they are afraid to learn what the test will reveal (red flag); the relationship is already too far gone and they would rather avoid doing the work necessary to move forward- either together or apart (red flag); it’s just not worth it (bright red flag)!

Being in unfulfilling relationships can be one of the worst things for one’s health. It leads to increased stress, depression, anxiety, resentment, anger, and even hatred.  We all know the Buddha saying, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.  Why not let the anger go away and all the negative effects of the bad relationship by either fixing it or ending it?

People often want to know when the best time in a relationship is to take the ULT®.  The answer is similar to going to the chiropractor (something I know a lot about). Some people only go to the chiropractor when they have some type of problem causing physical pain. When they wait for the symptom to arise, they are typically in a crisis situation that requires swift attention. At that point, the chiropractor will analyze the spine and nerve system to determine the care necessary to get to the cause of the problem and make specific adjustments if necessary. This is comparable to a couple waiting until they are in a struggling relationship and either need to fix it or end it.  Maybe they are “on again, off again”. Maybe they have been together for 4+ years and one person isn’t ready or willing to take the next step. Maybe both are questioning whether the next step is the right one, but neither is willing to admit there may be an issue.

Then there are many who go to the chiropractor for routine checkups to help deal with the toxicity and stress of life to prevent issues from arising.  This would be analogous to a couple taking the ULT® early in the relationship so they learn how to navigate the relationship so the toxicity (stress) of life doesn’t affect them negatively.

Every decision a person makes is value clarification.  If you (or someone you care about) values happiness and fulfilling relationships, then taking the ULT® is a great step to take. The results will either give the excuse needed to end the wrong relationship or the ammunition to fix it!

DREAM Wellness is offering you and your significant other to test drive the ULT® at no charge AND receive a 10 minute results consultation.  Email Brooke Stenzler and tell her you want the Best Self analysis and she will send you the link and code for the assessment.

Click to learn more about Dr. Brian Stenzler 


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