This site contains tidbits of information specifically related to the five keys / facets of the wellness lifestyle, described in detail in Dr. Brian Stenzler’s book, DREAM Wellness: The 5 Keys to Raising Kids for a Lifetime of Physical and Mental Health.
Part II of that book, WELLNESS WIKIS: YOUR MANUAL FOR STRESS MASTERY BY LIVING THE D.R.E.A.M. LIFESTYLE, covers in great detail what you should know to confidently live a proactive wellness lifestyle which helps you avoid chemical, physical and emotional stressors (and adapt to the ones you don’t avoid) you and your family may encounter daily.

We use blogs, vlogs (video blogs), interviews and other types of media to get you the most important information in the shortest amount of time. We will also provide tips on various products and services that we believe in that will enhance the quality of your life.
We have categorized, to the best of our ability, many lifestyle activities according to the primary or most obvious key / facet of wellness and key that it “lives” in. It is important to note, however, each activity will have an impact on all facets. Click here to read more about the Five Facets of Wellness.

This site also works alongside your results from the DREAM Score, the #1 Lifestyle Assessment tool. Once you have taken the DREAM Score, you can match your report with the different areas that you need most work on.
How to Build Your Emotional Resilience Toolbox to Manage Stress
As parents, we all face daily stressors in one way or another. But a scary reality is that many of us are dealing with daily stress that is chronic in nature and causing a negative impact on our mental and physical well-being. This impacts how we show up in the world, how we feel, and how we...
Read moreLatest
How to Build Your Emotional Resilience Toolbox to Manage Stress
As parents, we all face daily stressors in one way or another. But a scary reality is that many of us are dealing with daily stress that is...
Read moreThe #1 Way to Get Kids to Behave Better
Most people are aware that children are dealing with more mental health issues now than in the recent past. We must remember that children who...
Read moreSimple Hacks for Better Sleep
Catherine Darley, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine is the sleep expert that helped provide me with a ton of information for my book related to the...
Read moreBeing Inner-Directed
Every single day, we encounter situations and events from outside of ourselves that we had little or nothing to do with and typically cannot...
Read moreWho’s On First… What’s on Second?
Understanding your own nature and others around you provides you with an opportunity to enhance relationships with your significant other...
Read moreHealing from Betrayal Using the Ultimate Life Tool
Too many people have suffered betrayals that hold them back in life when unresolved. This podcast interview with Dr. Debi Silber (along with her...
Read moreThriving with ADHD… A Different Perspective
I worked with countless children who were diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, neurodevelopmental and spectrum disorders, as well as other behavioral and...
Read moreTips for Trips: 3 Easy Ways to Save Your Health & Money When Traveling
All good habits begin at home, so you are well on your way to establishing a healthier diet while traveling with kids if you are making the...
Read moreLive Fully, and Don’t Dye
Artificial food dyes are synthetic, chemically engineered petroleum pigments that provide various food and beverages with vibrant colors that can...
Read moreHow and Why to Avoid Hydrogenated Oils
Hydrogenated oils can lead to a litany of health issues, including but not limited to heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation. In this Wellness...
Read moreThe Skinny (or not so skinny) on Artificial Sweeteners
Did you know that consuming “sugar free” food products can cost you your health? Dr. Brian Stenzler talks about the potential negative...
Read moreThe Truth about Corn Syrup
Corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are both forms of processed sugar, and they seem to be in almost everything processed and sweet in...
Read moreNo Whey???
A lot of people are asking me why I choose a plant based protein rather than the others. So this week I will share with you some of the pros and...
Read morePulp Fiction: The Raw Deal of Fruit Juice
A common question I have gotten for years is, “Should I juice my fruit and veggies or blend them?” This is a very controversial conversation with...
Read moreTime to Kick the Can… The Soda Can
While drinking soft drinks is bad for the waistline and the teeth, regular consumption of soda can also be linked to diabetes, heart disease...
Read more6 Ways to Manage Your Emotions
If you’ve been keeping up with Wellness Wikis lately, you probably noticed that many of my blogs have been related to mental wellness. The...
Read morePumpkin Seed Hummus Recipe
In this edition of Wellness Wiki recipe videos, Dr. Stenzler makes hummus with pumpkin seeds (rather than traditional sesame seed tahini) with his...
Read more6 Rules for Dealing with Negative People
We are currently living in arguably the most tumultuous times in a generation. As we come out of a first in a century pandemic, our world is now...
Read moreLiving the DREAM Podcast Episode
If you knew you’d live to 100, how would you change your life today? That is the question that the author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, Dr...
Read more14 Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep
More than half of American adults say they experience sleep problems on a regular basis. The things you do before bed can determine whether you...
Read moreIs Your Cookware Safe?
Ever since I started to get consistent with sending weekly messages and posting them on the Wellness Wikis blog page, I have been asked to share...
Read moreEnd Picky Eating, Forever!
In this week’s Wellness Wiki, Dr. Brian Stenzler interviews picky eating expert Katie Kimball. Katie, a two-time TedX speaker and mom of 4...
Read more7 Ways for Busy Parents to Manage Stress
Have you ever felt like you’re being pulled in all directions? Your children want one thing, your partner expects another, and maybe we shouldn’t...
Read moreShift Happens: The Paradigms within Healthcare
A paradigm is a group of ideas about how something should be done, made or thought about. It is basically a way of thinking and for many, a way of...
Read moreSick Care -vs- Health Care
In this Wellness Wiki, Dr. Stenzler compares and contrasts three different ways of thinking about health. In our current “healthcare” system...
Read moreHalf Sour Pickles- So easy, even a 5-year old can make them!
In this first edition of Wellness Wiki videos, Dr. Stenzler makes half-sour pickles with his 5-year old son, Zion. Dr. Stenzler recorded this...
Read moreMask Mandates in Schools; and the X’s and O’s of the Immune System
On January 3, 2022, Dr. Stenzler had the privilege to provide his expertise to a national audience on the One America News Network (OAN). Much of...
Read moreHow to Set You and Your Family Up for a Lifetime of Health (Podcast)
Drs. Tony Youn and Brian Stenzler discuss everyday stressors and how they negatively impact the nervous system and one’s overall health. They...
Read moreNew Book Aims to Help Parents with Teens Address their Kid’s Mental Health
Dr. Stenzler joins the CBS8 San Diego Morning Extra Show to provide tips to help parents address their kid’s mental health.
Read moreAmerica’s Real Healthcare Crisis
All parents want their children to become happy and healthy adults themselves. The guilt, shame and pain that parents experience when their...
Read moreIs this relationship worth fighting for?
All too often we see friends or family members, or even ourselves in a long term relationship that seems like it’s going nowhere. So why are...
Read moreA Thoughtful Pregnancy
Last month my husband Brian, also known as Dr. Stenzler, the co-founder of DREAM Wellness, shared the details about the home birth of our son...
Read moreA “DREAM” Homebirth Experience
Throughout my years at Life Chiropractic College, I began to question a lot about our current healthcare system. They are too numerous to mention...
Read moreThe “Old-Yeller” in Y.O.U.
A week before Christmas I was running an errand near a busy shopping mall. Yes, the dreaded holiday season mall parking lot – something I try to...
Read moreGenetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods have not been shown to be safe to consume. Yikes! It is quite an interesting way of integrating foreign genetic...
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