If you knew you’d live to 100, how would you change your life today? That is the question that the best-selling author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, Dr. Eric Plasker loves to ask. Dr. Plasker has been a friend and mentor for over 25 years, and he has had a tremendous impact on who I am today personally and professionally.
I was recently interviewed on Dr. Plasker’s wildly popular show, The 100 Year Lifestyle Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Plasker and I delve into topics that you don’t hear about often enough in the mainstream media, particularly when it comes to raising healthy children, naturally. You may find yourself challenged at times during this conversation. We also discuss some controversial issues. In fact, much of what I talk about in this interview are not topics that I typically cover when interviewed by the general media or in my book, DREAM Wellness: The 5 Keys to Raising Kids for a Lifetime of Physical and Mental Health. I know that I am taking a risk when I go this deep, but I feel that I owe it to YOU to be completely honest and not hold back.
Whether you are raising children of your own or just want to set yourself up for success to age gracefully, this 20 minute episode is a must-listen! When you’re done, be sure to subscribe to The 100 Year Lifestyle Podcast for more great episodes and give it 5 stars!